Dear Sir Brad,

I am writing this letter to introduce myself formally to you and even my classmates who might be reading this letter in the coming weeks.

I am Krissh, a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate at SIT and I am from the class, T20 in the Critical Thinking and Communicating module. Previously, I attained a Diploma in Aerospace Engineering at Ngee Ann Polytechnic after which I served the nation for 2 years in the army.

As a child, I was often intrigued by how things worked. Growing up, I watched television channels such as Discovery Channel and National Geographic instead of cartoons. I was often amazed by how things worked, especially airplanes! I enjoyed learning math and science related subjects compared to other subjects. However, it was only in polytechnic where I found out that learning engineering is heavy in math and science. In secondary school, I was a member in Singapore Youth Flying Club (SYFC). Being part of SYFC, I gained a huge liking for aircraft and technology which would lead me to study Aerospace Engineering at polytechnic. Again, in polytechnic I joined SYFC, and I managed to get firsthand experience on flying an aircraft. I vividly remember the chills that travelled down my spine when the instructor allowed me to assume control of the aircraft. Looking back, I can say that my interest has always revolved around STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics).

Personally, my communication strength lies in my ability to be concise. When tasked to make a report or presentation, I am often able to get straight to the point and communicate my points across clearly.

One weakness in my communication would be in my ability to be creative. I often find myself looking elsewhere to gain inspiration to start my own projects and the like.

The two specific goals I have for this module are:

1.     The ability to produce better reports and make better presentations as this would directly benefit me in my educational journey and at the workplace in the future.

2.     To use the time dedicated to this module to learn to be more creative, thereby, addressing my weak point in communication.

Lastly, one thing that differentiates myself from others would be my curiosity. Though being curious sends me down unnecessary rabbit holes from time to time, gaining bits of knowledge is fun and beneficial.

Yours Sincerely,



  1. Hey Krissh! Wonderful personal experiences shared by you, it shows your journey on your decision to enroll in Mechanical Engineering. Overall, excellent work done by yours truly. If I really had to nitpick your work, ' Though being curious sends me down unnecessary rabbit holes from time to time, gaining bits of knowledge is fun and beneficial. '. There is a incomplete clause after the usage of 'Though', specifically the use of 'I' after the comma.

  2. Hi Krissh! From your letter, I'm able to tell that you have a deeply rooted passion in aviation which led to your course of study. Your conciseness is greatly appreciated as we often read lengthy reports with loads of content which can be overwhelming. I struggle with creativity as well sometimes thus having to resort to asking others for help. Hopefully we'll be able to work on this together during this module.

    1. Thanks for the comment Daryl! I hope to achieve the goals together with you as well.

  3. Hello Krissh! After reading your letter, I can see your drive for engineering through your past and current experiences. Your acknowledgement of your strength and weakness showcase your proactive attitude towards self-improvement. I wish you all the best in your journey through SIT.

    1. I appreciate your comment Eugene! I hope you have a good time studying at SIT as well.


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